Ala hazrat AHmed raza khan R.A never insulted Ayesha radhi Allah talaanhu

Ala hazrat AHmed raza khan R.A never insulted Ayesha radhi Allah tala anhu

This is a reply to deviants who put False allegations that Ala Hadrat [rahimullah] insulted Hadrat Aisha [r.a]

Another full reply in urdu

Another full reply in urdu and Arabic

Another full refutation and Reply from Maulana Abdul Hakeem Sharf Qadri

Almost 40 Ulemas [scholars ]of Ahle sunnat wa jammat issue a fatwa that moulana who acidentally misprinted the poems due to human error and misplaced poems for a prostitute under heading of Hadrat Aisha [r.a] should be forgiven as he did tawbah and it was just a human error

Names of some of those scholars are as under


Moulana who acidentally misprinted the poems due to human error and misplaced poems for a prostitute under heading of Hadrat Aisha [r.a] should be forgiven as he did tawbah and it was just a human error.This is explained above by showing old editions of the book itself and this error was only in one edition and is corrected as well. The moulana has also written a book explaining how the error occured in detail and did tawbah which is accepted by Ahlus sunnah.

Now may Allah curse the liars ,

Here  reply to this by video please watch:-

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