The Reviver (Mujaddid) of the 14th century, our Master A’arifbillah Maulana Abul Hasanaat Syed Abdullah Shah Sahib Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri (May Allah shower His mercy on him) does not need any introduction. He is the scion of a revered family of Naldurug. Not only his family but the whole country can be proud of him. Both of his parents are descendants of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). His forefather Hadhrat Syed Ali (May Allah shower His mercy on him) came to Bijapur, in the reign of Adil Shah, from Makkah on the orders of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).
Naldurug was an important city in the reign of Adil Shah. Along with members of the royal family, many scholars and virtuous people also took up residence there. Among all those elite, Hadhrat Syed Shah Muhammad Qadri (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was also there. Seeing the piety of Hadhrat Syed Ali (May Allah shower His mercy on him), he betrothed his daughter to him. This family is from their progeny.
In light of their upright character and piety, even today they are respected and revered by all irrespective of religion and race.
The passing of time changed Naldurug. Neither the kingship of Adil Shah remained nor did that atmosphere, so the father of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him), Hadhrat Muzaffar Shah Sahib (May Allah shower His mercy on him) came to Hyderabadin his childhood for the sake of acquiring knowledge. He mastered not only the then-taught subjects, but also Fiqh, Hadith etc. Soon he was reckoned among the celebrated people of Hyderabad.
In those days, a pious elder used to live in Hyderabad. His name was Hadhrat Gul Badshah (May Allah shower His mercy on him). He had strived a lot in the path of closeness to Allah Most High and after living in seclusion for a large part of his life, had gained prominence as a saint in his last days. Not only the common populace, but also elite were included in his circle of students and disciples. He married his only daughter to Hadhrat Muzaffar Shah Sahib (May Allah shower His mercy on him). This pious lady was the mother of our master Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him).
Our master was born in Hyderabad on Friday, the 10th of Dhul Hijjah 1292 Hijri at 5 O’ clock in the morning. The mother of the Shaykh says that from the days of pregnancy itself, I was being given glad tidings of the birth of pious son. Before his birth, his elder brother had passed away in infancy. Because of this, his mother was very sad. During these days, a mystic came and said: Daughter, don’t be sad! You are getting the return of what you have lost. Look at the sky! Your child can be seen coming. She says: In my innocence and out of love of my deceased child, I thought that my dead son was being returned to me through the prayers of the mystic. The moment I looked at the sky, I saw a radiant lamp descending from the sky and entering my house. The radiance of it was such that till the limits of sight, the whole atmosphere became radiant and my eyes were dazzled by it. After this the period of pregnancy started.
As an infant, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan never troubled his mother like other children. There was a particular time for every need of his. This made things easy for his mother. From his birth itself, signs of piety were apparent in him. His Tasmiya Khwani (bismillah) was performed by Hadhrat A’aqibat Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him). His piety was such that in his last age, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) ordered him to come to Him. Hadhrat A’aqibat Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him) left for Madina and died there.
After this, educational responsibilities were placed on the shoulders of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him). The Guide of today readied himself to traverse the highways of knowledge and learning under the direction of his teachers.
Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was raised in the best possible manner. His whole family was high-minded and pious. His childhood was spent hearing the blessed name of Allah Most High and the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). On coming of age, he had seen his elders following the Shariah and spending their nights in the worship of Allah Most High.
His father was a pious person who followed the Shariah to the letter. His mother was the daughter of a saint and was herself a very pious lady. They spent their energies in raising their blessed son. His mother’s method was such that even though the whole family used to be present in the house, but there used to be no hullabaloo in the house. Once between Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) and his sister, there was some difference in dividing a fruit. Their mother came and threw that fruit out of the house and told them that if they were found fighting again, she would deal with them in the same manner.

The sister of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: In those days, whenever we would hear some hawker selling something, we would ask our mother about it and if what was being sold was not good, she would say: It is a bad thing, child. On hearing this, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) would say: La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billah. Mother, we don’t want that thing.
Whenever due to being extraordinary busy, any curry could not prepared, the Shaykh’s mother would serve him Supari along with chapatti and he would eat that and go to the Madarsa.
The introductory education of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was under his own father. He studied the logical sciences from Maulana Mansoor Ali Khan (May Allah shower His mercy on him). He studied Sharh Jami, Tafseer and other sciences under Shaykh Ul Islam Imam Muhammad Anwarullah Farooqui (May Allah shower His mercy on him), the founder of Jamia Nizamia. He studied Hadith and literature under Maulana Hakeem Abdur Rahman Saharanpuri (May Allah shower His mercy on him). All these teachers were considered masters in their respective fields. Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) completed his education and through his inherent ability and wide reading, came to be recognized as an erudite scholar of Hyderabad.
In the last days of his education itself, he had started teaching students without any charge. In Masjid Ali Aqa, oceans of knowledge would be emptied and not only the common people, even scholars used to attend and gain benefit from these sessions. For the sake of working class, late till midnight Islamic sciences Hadith, Tafseer, etc. would be taught. His method of explanation was such that after learning under him, the student would not be satisfied anywhere. He would explain complex matters and unravel them in such a manner that everybody would understand them easily.
His circle of students started growing. Every student of his would master at least one science and most of them were granted high government posts. On seeing all this, the management of Jamia Nizamia, Hyderabad sent him a wire when he was out of station to attend a function at the house of his younger sister. They wanted Hadhrat to take up a post as the dean of some science at Jamia Nizamia. The Shaykh, for whom being alone with the Ultimate One was most important, refused this politely saying that he had done all this only for the sake of Allah Most High and would keep on doing so for the rest of his life.
A student of the Shaykh who was an advisor to the king once mentioned the virtues of his teacher before the king. Others present there also agreed. The king expressed his desire to meet the Shaykh. When the student conveyed this to Hadhrat, he said: Child! What does a pauper (Faqeer, in Islamic mysticism, a person who depends only on Allah Most High) have to do with kings? If you desire my pleasure, never mention my name there again. The said student was really affected by this and never mentioned his name there again. This shows that pious people desire to gain the pleasure of their spiritual guides and teachers.
His pious father was a disciple and Caliph (i.e. authorized representative) of Hadhrat Miskin Shah Sahib (May Allah shower His mercy on him). Because of this, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) also gave his allegiance to Hadhrat Miskin Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him). But because of educational responsibilities, Hadhrat could not fully benefit himself from the divine blessings of Hadhrat Miskin Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him). After finishing his education, he turned his complete attention towards traversing the path (Sulook) to Allah Most High. By that time, Hadhrat Miskin Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him) had passed away into the presence of Allah Most High. Those days were illumined with the radiance of Hadhrat Syed Muhammad Badshah Bukhari (May Allah shower His mercy on him). What else need be said about him except that if his disciple was like this, then what about the master? Hadhrat entered his circle of disciples and traversed the path to divine love and approval. The details of the striving and worship of those days, though not revealed by Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) himself, those who saw him during those days say that apart from the necessary activities, the Shaykh would spend his entire time in remembrance of Allah Most High (Dhikr). He would always be seen engaged in meditation (Muraqaba).
The Shaykh would offer Salaat Ul Fajr in the mosque of his master and sometimes in the mosque of Chowk and then he would walk 4 miles daily to the mosque of his master. After Fajr, he would remain busy in remembrance of Allah and gaining his master’s blessings, etc. From there, he would return at about 10 o’clock after offering Salaat Ul Ishraaq and Chaasht. Till Salaat Ul Zuhr, he would be busy in meditation. Then he would return from the mosque after Maghrib. After having dinner, he would go to the mosque and remain there busy in remembrance of Allah, meditation, etc. till midnight. He would return to his house and rest. He would again get up at 2:00 and offer Salaat Ul Tahajjud, recite the Holy Quran and spend the night in praying and crying before Allah. Just before Fajr, he would rest for sometime and then go to his master’s mosque to offer Salaat Ul Fajr. For 20 years, irrespective of season and situation, he used to be present in his master’s mosque in Fajr.
Hadhrat Bukhari Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him) had innumerable disciples, but he would prefer Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him). Seeing his firmness on Shariah, following of the Holy Prophet’s (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Sunnah and his striving in the path of Allah Most High, Hadhrat Bukhari (May Allah shower His mercy on him) made him His Caliph (i.e. he authorized him to take disciples and teach/instruct them). He gave him his robe and headdress too, because of which, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was overwhelmed with love and ecstasy of Allah Most High and slowly normalized with the divine attention of his master.
Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) did not start accepting disciples in the life of his master. If anybody requested him also, he would guide them to his master. After the passing away of his master, he started accepting disciples, as a result of which innumerable disciples of his in India, Pakistan have been drinking from Hadhrath’s river of divine guidance.
Many brothers of the Silsilah report strange events which led them to become disciples of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him). A brother said that he was really anxious about finding a master. He saw in a dream that Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was coming out of the shrine of Hadhrat Sa’adullah (May Allah shower His mercy on him), but because he did not know who he was, he could not give his Bait to him. He once saw him in Makkah Masjid and looking at his features understood that this was his master and then and there offered him his pledge (bait), which Hadhrat accepted and took him as a disciple.
After completion of both the Shariah and the Tareeqa sciences, Hadhrat started addressing people. His address would affect everybody hearts and nobody would be hurt through them. After the Friday Salaat in the Jame Masjid of Naldurug, there would be an address of Hadhrat for 2 to 3 hours where he would explain the Tafseer of the Holy Quran. Apart from this on special occasions, he would again address people. These addresses would not be mere words (Qal), but the spirit of the words (Haal) would also be included in them. Accordingly many people would be overwhelmed by his address. If all these addresses are collected, they would make a Tafseer of the Holy Quran like Tafseer Surah Yousuf.
There would be Hadhrat’s addresses in Bombay (present Mumbai) also, which was full of his disciples and lovers. There the address used to be in an open ground, which would be full of people. In spite of multitude of people, it was a miracle of Hadhrat that everybody would hear his voice. This was before modern facilities like microphone, etc.
Hadhrat would offer all the 5 Salaat with congregation (Jamaat). This was stressed so much that it was second nature to Hadhrat. Nothing, be it weather or ill health, would make him even waver from this habit. The Mustahab (commendable) time was maintained in such a way that the Salaat of Isha would be offered at 10:30. This arrangement in winter and rainy season was nothing short of a miracle. This was a living picture of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) led the Salaat and told the Sahibah: You are the best Ummah, as you are the only creation on the face of the earth who worship Allah Ta’ala in the Mustahab hours.”
Hadhrat would offer the articles of Salaat with proper calmness. Hadhrat would enthusiastically offer numerous nawafil. For this reason, his feet would usually remain swollen.
For a long period of time, he led the Salaat (Imam) in Masjid ‘Ali A’aqa Hussaini A’alam only for the sake of Allah Ta’ala. As per the Sunnah, in Fajr and Isha, he would recite the lengthy Surah of the Holy Quran (Tawaal-e-Mufassal) and in Zuhr, moderately lengthy Surah and in ‘Asr and Maghrib, the short Surah. Each Salaat would be blissful and rejuvenating. This can be understood only by those who offered Salaat in his leadership.
This enthusiasm would reach its pinnacle in the month of Ramadhan. The weather would never interfere in Hadhrat’s fasting. The relish of listening to the Holy Quran was such that even in old age he would listen to the complete Holy Quran at least once or twice and he would instruct his Murideen (disciples) also to listen the complete Holy Quran at least once during Ramadhan.
Every aspect of Hadhrat’s life was molded by the rules of the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Each year, he would remain in Itikaaf (seclusion) for the last 10 days of Ramadhan. In those days, he would offer Tahajjud Salaat with Jamaat, in which at least 1 complete recitation of the Holy Quran would be recited. In these days, angelic qualities of Hadhrat would be unveiled. Once while ill, he was offering Salaat normally. He was requested to sit and offer Salaat. Hadhrat smiled and recited a Persian couplet, which meant:
Even though I have become old, weak-hearted and weak-bodied,
Whenever I hear the mention of my Beloved, I become fresh again.
The night preceding Eid-Ul-Fitr is one of the most auspicious nights of the whole year. Hadhrat would spend the whole night in the masjid, busy in worship. He would return to his house after offering the Fajr Salaat. Hadhrat would offer the Eid Salaat in Eidgah in the first row. It would be the same case with Juma’a Salaat. Hadhrat would be busy in recitation of the Holy Quran, Dhikr and other Awraad and he would go to Makkah Masjid at the earliest and offer Salaat behind the Imam in the first row.
Hadhrat (May Allah shower His mercy on him) went on Haj with his revered father. In that age, those blessed lands were under the rule of the Turks. The present facilities of transport were not present there. Caravans were looted on their way. There would be much financial and loss of life. In short, Haj in those days was fraught with dangers. In spite of all this, Hadhrat had the honor of performing Haj along with this father.
Hadhrat once told his disciple who was going on Haj: When I went on Haj, with the intention of performing the Sunnah, I specially went to Gar-e-Saur, (the Cave of Saur). The entrance of that cave is so narrow that the body of the person entering the cave anyhow touches the rim of the cave. I got this thought that though the blessed body of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has made contact with this blessed land, except the entrance of this cave, any other place could not be marked out with certainty. It is truth that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) entered this cave and it is also truth that the fire of Hell is forbidden for that body which makes contact with His blessed body. With this thought, I removed my kurta (tunic) and with my upper body bare, entered the cave taking care to rub my body with the rim of the entrance of the cave and prayed: O Lord Almighty! This humble person has, though indirectly, had the honor of rubbing his body with the body of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). For the sake of this, make the fire of hell forbidden for me.
In the stay in Madina Munawwarah, when Hadhrat would go to the Blessed Raudha of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and perform Muraqaba, an entirely different state would overwhelm him. Only those people can understand this who were with him, as mentioned above.
Hadhrat has been given the authorization in both the Qadri and Naqshbandi Tariqah from Hadhrat Syed Badshah Bukhari (May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy on him). Like his other elite Shaykhs, Hadhrat would take special interest in the propagation of the Naqshbandi Tariqa. The other Shaykhs of the Naqshabandi Tariqa followed the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) to the letter. This is dominant in the life of Hadhrat Muhaddith-E-Deccan (May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy on him) also. There are many incidents, which show that Hadhrat would follow even the smallest of Sunnah. For the sake of brevity, only some are being mentioned here. It seems that nature itself would make arrangements for Hadhrat to follow the Sunnah easily.
Hadhrat relates an incident from his childhood that once he went to some place of play, but did not find any pleasure in it. As soon as he joined that session, sleep overtook him and he fell asleep. In this way, Allah Ta’ala made me follow that Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) in which before declaration of Prophethood, He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) fell asleep when He attended such a session.
Once, Hadhrat came to the prayer mat for Salaat Ul Isha. Below the prayer mat, there was a scorpion, which stung him. Hadhrat became restless and lied down for some time and said: Alhamdulillah! I got a rare chance to follow a Sunnah and related the Hadith that once a scorpion stung the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) also at the time of Salaat. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: This rogue neither leaves a person who offers Salaat nor a person who does not offer it. After this Hadhrat offered Salaat as was the custom.
Hadhrat would offer Salaat Ul Kusuf with Jama’at. He would perform Qiraat Bil Jahr (Loud Qiraat). People would come from far off places to join this Salaat. After the Salaat, Hadhrat would advise the people like this: Friends! The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would briefly advise the people after Salaat Kusuf. Today, to follow this, I want to address you all.
Nature had filled Hadhrat with humility and piety. Day in and day out these qualities would be expressed through him. For the sake of brevity, only one incident is being mentioned here. Once after Salaat Kusuf, in the course of the Dua, Hadhrat said in a very heartfelt manner: O Allah! These worshippers of yours have made me their Pir that tomorrow, on the day of Qiyamah, you forgive this sinner with your mercy, they can say that when you have forgiven such a great sinner, then please forgive us also. For this, my Master, my Lord, for the sake of your forgiveness and for the sake of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), forgive us all.
Once in summer, Taraweeh was being offered in the courtyard of the Masjid that it suddenly started raining. The prayer mats were removed. After the rain ended, it was decided to offer Salaat again in the courtyard of the Masjid. For the fear of the rain, the prayer mats were not laid. Somebody decided to lay a prayer mat for Hadhrat, he said: Those who came from outside Madina, would have to ask because of the uniformity of the gathering that who among you is the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), so we should also not distinguish ourselves.
He would always perform at the tank Wudhu facing the Qiblah, although looking at the location of the tank, it was difficult to do so. Even then, to follow the Sunnah, Hadhrat would always perform Wudhu from that side only. Thus, if we study the life of Hadhrat closely, we come to the conclusion that each and every action of his indicates some Sunnah or the other.
Hadhrat would perform the non-compulsory (Gair Moukkada) Sunnah also regularly. The 4 Raka’at before the Fardh of ‘Asr and Isha were also routine for him. These Sunnah are still greater, even a Mustahab would not be left by him.
The greatest miracle of our master is perfectly acting upon the Shariah and the Sunnah, which has been mentioned in their proper places. This is also a miracle of his that whoever becomes his disciple is established upon the Sirat Mustaqeem (straight path). We see this day and day out that people who had nothing to do with Salaat, fasts, as soon as they became his disciples not only became regular in their Salaat, fasts, etc. but even in their looks, dressing, etc., they became pious and regular in Dhikr and other spiritual practices. It is the experience of most of his slaves that as soon they enter his presence, the heart starts Dhikr and an affinity towards good deeds is developed. I have seen many of my brothers, who recited Kalima Tayyaba at the time of their death, which is a clear sign of their preserving their faith at the time of death. It was the custom of Hadhrat that whenever he heard that a disciple was in the throes of death, he would persuade them to recite the Kalima and after death, he himself would lead the Salaat Ul Janazah. After this, he would pray for them in the following words:
Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa’afuanhu wa adkhilhul Jannah,
For women, the prayer would be:
Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa’afuanha wa adkhilhal Jannah
This Dua would be so heartrending that the hearts of those present would also be affected and death would appear before their eyes. The Talqeen (persuasion) after burial would also be such that all those present would be affected and some would be really affected. It would seem as if the angel (Munkir and Nakir) are asking the questions and Hadhrat is teaching the answers. Those people are lucky who had this honor. Whenever we see this, then our heartfelt wish is that, if only, Allah Ta’ala also grants this honor to us also.
Apart from this also, innumerable miracles of Hadhrat are seen and heard daily, but he elders of the Naqshbandi order of Tasawwuf have said that Kashf (divine visions), Karamaat (miracles) are commendable, but are not the aim, that is why no need was felt to include them in the biography of his blessed life. However, on the insistence of the brothers of the Tariqa, some are being mentioned.
One of his disciples says that he was with Hadhrat when he had travelled to the Northern parts of the country. He says that: After reaching Delhi, we first paid our respects to Hadhrat Khwaja Baqibillah (May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy on him) and it was decided that the next day, we would offer the Fajr prayer in the Jame’ Masjid Delhi and would visit the shrines of Hadhrat Mirza Mazhar Jane Janaan Shaheed and Hadhrat Ghulam Ali Shah Naqshbandi (May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy on them). There was a Masjid adjacent to our residence was a Masjid, in which we would offer Salaat. We learnt from the Imam of the Masjid that the Dargah always remains closed and the visitors recite the Fatiha from outside and go away. After this, I could not bear it and I told Hadhrat about it. He said: We will see about this in the morning.
The next day, when we went there, we met a person, who went with us to the Dargah and opened the lock for us. When that person wanted to leave, as is the custom of Delhi, we tried to pay him something. He said: I have done what I was ordered to do, and he went away.
The Imam on listening to this, said: Many great people have come here and gone away without the Ziyarah, I would say that this is a miracle of your Shaykh.
When Nawab Yusuf Yar Jung was going the blessed lands, Makkah and Madina, he came to meet Hadhrat and after talking with Hadhrat for a long time, said: Your servant is going away, but as usual on the Day of Eid Ul Azha, the car will come for Hadhrat and Hadhrat can go to the Eidgah in this. Upon this Hadhrat said: By that time, you will be deceased and forgiven. After this, Nawab sahib started on his journey. In the course of his journey, he reached Baghdad and while reciting the Fatiha there, he passed away due to a heart attack and was buried near Hadhrat Pirane Pir Ghouse Ul A’adham Dastagir (May Allah Ta’ala be well pleased with him). The order of fate for Nawab sahib was given from the blessed tongue of Hadhrat.
One disciple of Hadhrat says that due to the attention of a mystic (Majzub), he became unable to do Dhikr. He was very regretful of his state and thought that he would not be able to do worship of Allah Ta’ala (Riyazat/Mujahada). He thought gaining the Haal (Lit. state) is difficult, gain some Qaal (Lit. words/talk). In this worry, he went to sleep. In his dream, he saw Hadhrat. He first wiped his chest with his right hand, then wrote ‘Allah" on his heart with his right index finger. With this, his whole body started resonating with the “Allah." Hadhrat sad: Son! Now tell, is Haal better or Qaal. After this, the disciple was at ease and never got such a thought again.
Hadhrat was so forgiving that he would never get angry for his own sake, but when some rule of Shariah would be broken or somebody would disrespect the Auliya, his blessed face would turn red with anger. Once after Salaat Ul Zuhr, a degenerate started speaking ill about the Auliya. Even after a lot of explanation, when that person did not stop, Hadhrat could not bear it and, out of emotion, started crying. Hadhrat said: Allah Ta’ala is very lenient, He can bear everything for Himself, but if anybody disrespects the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and/or the Auliya, The Lord Almighty does not bear it.
Whenever anyone would complain about Hadhrat, he would say: I am even worse than that. No matter how insulting an act would be committed, Hadhrat would bear it. His blessed face would change, but he would not say anything. Once, when in Naldurug, Hadhrat was going for the Salaat Ul Zuhr, that a person, who was known to mentally unstable, came to Hadhrat, kissed his hand and tried to attack him, but there was no change in Hadhrat’s blessed countenance. He entered the Masjid and started preparing for Salaat. The followers of Hadhrat beat him and wanted to hand him over to the police, but Hadhrat said: How can he dare to insult me. Probably, some disrespect was committed by this sinner (i.e. Hadhrat) in the court of my Lord that is why, I was warned like this. If you desire to please me, then please don’t mistreat him in anyway.
Hadhrat would treat everyone with affection and this affection would be such that everyone would think that Hadhrat loves me the most.
His sympathy for human beings was such that Hadhrat could not bear to see anyone in any difficulty and would start crying. Hadhrat would console that person and help him as much as he could. His daily life shows that he spent his whole life for the service of the creation
Every person would acknowledge his courage. He would always try to keep his dependants happy. Hadhrat’s every act is full of wisdom and with a reason and his every word is full of affection. Anger has not been given to him at all. In short, he is the living embodiment of “Takhalluqu Bi Akhlaqillah”
The daily routine of Hadhrat was very taxing. After Fajr, his disciples were given Tawajjuh (attention). After this, without any distinction of religion or community, men, women, children, youth would come with their concerns. Hadhrat would listen to everybody, console them and give them Wazifa (something to be recited) or Taweez (amulet) as the case may be. This would go on until 9 o’clock. Then Salaat Ul Ishraaq would be offered and Hadhrat go home. He would not even have his breakfast properly that women would start coming. Some would come for Ba’yah (pledge of discipleship) and others would come with their concerns. This would go on until 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Then Hadhrat would come to the Masjid. After Salaat Ul Zuhr, Hadhrat would listen to the disciples about their Sulook and guide them as necessary.
After it, if there was still time, Hadhrat would listen to the sermons of Hadhrat Ghouse Ul A’adham or the Maktubat (letters) of Hadhrat Imam Rabbani (May Allah Ta’ala be well pleased with them). After offering Salaat Ul ‘Asr, Hadhrat would remain in Muraqaba until Maghrib. After Maghrib, Hadhrat would go to the house, have dinner and dictate replies to the letters of disciples. Hadhrat would take his devotees, who could not come to him, into his discipleship, through letters itself and instruct them in Dhikr and other spiritual practices. Then Hadhrat would go to the Masjid for Salaat Ul Isha and return around 12. Then he would rest for 3 hours and again get up at 3 o’clock for Tahajjud and remain busy in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala until Fajr and just before Fajr, to follow the Sunnah, Hadhrat would rest for a while and then the routine would start again.
The set time for women to give the Ba’yah was from 11-2 for women and for men from Zuhr to ‘Asr, but whenever anyone would come, Hadhrat would take their Ba’yah. There were no customs or rituals for this. Then for granting the Nisbah, Hadhrat would instruct in the following manner:
Hadhrat would make the disciple recite: Astaghfirullah Rabee Min Kulli Dhambin Wa Atubu Ilaih. La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah and then He would say: I have given you in slavery of Syedi Abdul Qadir Jilani and Hadhrat Syedi Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband (May Allah Ta’ala be well pleased with them). On this the disciple would say: I accept it. Then Hadhrat would say: I have made you a disciple in the Qadiri and Naqshbandiya Tariqah.
The first advice is, offer the 5 Salaat regularly. If it was a man Hadhrat would add, try to offer each Salaat in the Masjid, with Jama’at.
Salaat, Quran, etc. is recited with the tongue, but for Dhikr, recite Allah, Allah from the heart. The heart is 2 fingerbreadths, below the left nipple, to the left. For this, Wudhu is not necessary. It can be done with Wudhu, without Wudhu, in a state of Taharah, out of it, while walking, sitting, lying down, sitting, in every condition. If due to lack of habit, you forget it, no problem, when you are reminded it, start doing it.
Apart from this, whatever free time you get, sit in seclusion, close your eyes, perform the Dhikr of ”Allah-Hoo-Allah" 2000 times and along with this think of me, that the blessings (Faiz in Urdu) is coming out of my heart (i.e. Hadhrat’s heart) and coming into your heart. No need to say this with your tongue, this is also from the heart. This is the first lesson, it is called Latifa Qalb.
Recite Durud 200 times daily. You can recite any Durud you remember, but this Durud is better:
Allahumma Salle ‘Ala Sayyidina Wa Maulana Muhammadin Wa ‘Ala Aalihi Wa Sahbihi Afdhala Salawatika Wa ‘Adada Ma’aloomatika Wa Barik Wa Sallim.
In this way, first the disciple is made to traverse the Naqshbandi Sulook.
Hadhrat was a very great personality, a great scholar and a great saint. In spite of all this, he spent his whole life in the service of the creation. His whole life is a model of the commandments of Allah Ta’ala and His Beloved Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).
He passed away on Thursday, 18th Rabee’ Thaani, 1384 Hijri, 1964 AD at 8 AM.
Naldurug was an important city in the reign of Adil Shah. Along with members of the royal family, many scholars and virtuous people also took up residence there. Among all those elite, Hadhrat Syed Shah Muhammad Qadri (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was also there. Seeing the piety of Hadhrat Syed Ali (May Allah shower His mercy on him), he betrothed his daughter to him. This family is from their progeny.
In light of their upright character and piety, even today they are respected and revered by all irrespective of religion and race.
The passing of time changed Naldurug. Neither the kingship of Adil Shah remained nor did that atmosphere, so the father of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him), Hadhrat Muzaffar Shah Sahib (May Allah shower His mercy on him) came to Hyderabadin his childhood for the sake of acquiring knowledge. He mastered not only the then-taught subjects, but also Fiqh, Hadith etc. Soon he was reckoned among the celebrated people of Hyderabad.
In those days, a pious elder used to live in Hyderabad. His name was Hadhrat Gul Badshah (May Allah shower His mercy on him). He had strived a lot in the path of closeness to Allah Most High and after living in seclusion for a large part of his life, had gained prominence as a saint in his last days. Not only the common populace, but also elite were included in his circle of students and disciples. He married his only daughter to Hadhrat Muzaffar Shah Sahib (May Allah shower His mercy on him). This pious lady was the mother of our master Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him).
Our master was born in Hyderabad on Friday, the 10th of Dhul Hijjah 1292 Hijri at 5 O’ clock in the morning. The mother of the Shaykh says that from the days of pregnancy itself, I was being given glad tidings of the birth of pious son. Before his birth, his elder brother had passed away in infancy. Because of this, his mother was very sad. During these days, a mystic came and said: Daughter, don’t be sad! You are getting the return of what you have lost. Look at the sky! Your child can be seen coming. She says: In my innocence and out of love of my deceased child, I thought that my dead son was being returned to me through the prayers of the mystic. The moment I looked at the sky, I saw a radiant lamp descending from the sky and entering my house. The radiance of it was such that till the limits of sight, the whole atmosphere became radiant and my eyes were dazzled by it. After this the period of pregnancy started.
As an infant, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan never troubled his mother like other children. There was a particular time for every need of his. This made things easy for his mother. From his birth itself, signs of piety were apparent in him. His Tasmiya Khwani (bismillah) was performed by Hadhrat A’aqibat Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him). His piety was such that in his last age, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) ordered him to come to Him. Hadhrat A’aqibat Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him) left for Madina and died there.
After this, educational responsibilities were placed on the shoulders of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him). The Guide of today readied himself to traverse the highways of knowledge and learning under the direction of his teachers.
Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was raised in the best possible manner. His whole family was high-minded and pious. His childhood was spent hearing the blessed name of Allah Most High and the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). On coming of age, he had seen his elders following the Shariah and spending their nights in the worship of Allah Most High.
His father was a pious person who followed the Shariah to the letter. His mother was the daughter of a saint and was herself a very pious lady. They spent their energies in raising their blessed son. His mother’s method was such that even though the whole family used to be present in the house, but there used to be no hullabaloo in the house. Once between Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) and his sister, there was some difference in dividing a fruit. Their mother came and threw that fruit out of the house and told them that if they were found fighting again, she would deal with them in the same manner.
The sister of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: In those days, whenever we would hear some hawker selling something, we would ask our mother about it and if what was being sold was not good, she would say: It is a bad thing, child. On hearing this, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) would say: La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billah. Mother, we don’t want that thing.
Whenever due to being extraordinary busy, any curry could not prepared, the Shaykh’s mother would serve him Supari along with chapatti and he would eat that and go to the Madarsa.
The introductory education of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was under his own father. He studied the logical sciences from Maulana Mansoor Ali Khan (May Allah shower His mercy on him). He studied Sharh Jami, Tafseer and other sciences under Shaykh Ul Islam Imam Muhammad Anwarullah Farooqui (May Allah shower His mercy on him), the founder of Jamia Nizamia. He studied Hadith and literature under Maulana Hakeem Abdur Rahman Saharanpuri (May Allah shower His mercy on him). All these teachers were considered masters in their respective fields. Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) completed his education and through his inherent ability and wide reading, came to be recognized as an erudite scholar of Hyderabad.
In the last days of his education itself, he had started teaching students without any charge. In Masjid Ali Aqa, oceans of knowledge would be emptied and not only the common people, even scholars used to attend and gain benefit from these sessions. For the sake of working class, late till midnight Islamic sciences Hadith, Tafseer, etc. would be taught. His method of explanation was such that after learning under him, the student would not be satisfied anywhere. He would explain complex matters and unravel them in such a manner that everybody would understand them easily.
His circle of students started growing. Every student of his would master at least one science and most of them were granted high government posts. On seeing all this, the management of Jamia Nizamia, Hyderabad sent him a wire when he was out of station to attend a function at the house of his younger sister. They wanted Hadhrat to take up a post as the dean of some science at Jamia Nizamia. The Shaykh, for whom being alone with the Ultimate One was most important, refused this politely saying that he had done all this only for the sake of Allah Most High and would keep on doing so for the rest of his life.
A student of the Shaykh who was an advisor to the king once mentioned the virtues of his teacher before the king. Others present there also agreed. The king expressed his desire to meet the Shaykh. When the student conveyed this to Hadhrat, he said: Child! What does a pauper (Faqeer, in Islamic mysticism, a person who depends only on Allah Most High) have to do with kings? If you desire my pleasure, never mention my name there again. The said student was really affected by this and never mentioned his name there again. This shows that pious people desire to gain the pleasure of their spiritual guides and teachers.
His pious father was a disciple and Caliph (i.e. authorized representative) of Hadhrat Miskin Shah Sahib (May Allah shower His mercy on him). Because of this, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) also gave his allegiance to Hadhrat Miskin Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him). But because of educational responsibilities, Hadhrat could not fully benefit himself from the divine blessings of Hadhrat Miskin Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him). After finishing his education, he turned his complete attention towards traversing the path (Sulook) to Allah Most High. By that time, Hadhrat Miskin Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him) had passed away into the presence of Allah Most High. Those days were illumined with the radiance of Hadhrat Syed Muhammad Badshah Bukhari (May Allah shower His mercy on him). What else need be said about him except that if his disciple was like this, then what about the master? Hadhrat entered his circle of disciples and traversed the path to divine love and approval. The details of the striving and worship of those days, though not revealed by Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) himself, those who saw him during those days say that apart from the necessary activities, the Shaykh would spend his entire time in remembrance of Allah Most High (Dhikr). He would always be seen engaged in meditation (Muraqaba).
The Shaykh would offer Salaat Ul Fajr in the mosque of his master and sometimes in the mosque of Chowk and then he would walk 4 miles daily to the mosque of his master. After Fajr, he would remain busy in remembrance of Allah and gaining his master’s blessings, etc. From there, he would return at about 10 o’clock after offering Salaat Ul Ishraaq and Chaasht. Till Salaat Ul Zuhr, he would be busy in meditation. Then he would return from the mosque after Maghrib. After having dinner, he would go to the mosque and remain there busy in remembrance of Allah, meditation, etc. till midnight. He would return to his house and rest. He would again get up at 2:00 and offer Salaat Ul Tahajjud, recite the Holy Quran and spend the night in praying and crying before Allah. Just before Fajr, he would rest for sometime and then go to his master’s mosque to offer Salaat Ul Fajr. For 20 years, irrespective of season and situation, he used to be present in his master’s mosque in Fajr.
Hadhrat Bukhari Shah (May Allah shower His mercy on him) had innumerable disciples, but he would prefer Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him). Seeing his firmness on Shariah, following of the Holy Prophet’s (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Sunnah and his striving in the path of Allah Most High, Hadhrat Bukhari (May Allah shower His mercy on him) made him His Caliph (i.e. he authorized him to take disciples and teach/instruct them). He gave him his robe and headdress too, because of which, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was overwhelmed with love and ecstasy of Allah Most High and slowly normalized with the divine attention of his master.
Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) did not start accepting disciples in the life of his master. If anybody requested him also, he would guide them to his master. After the passing away of his master, he started accepting disciples, as a result of which innumerable disciples of his in India, Pakistan have been drinking from Hadhrath’s river of divine guidance.
Many brothers of the Silsilah report strange events which led them to become disciples of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him). A brother said that he was really anxious about finding a master. He saw in a dream that Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was coming out of the shrine of Hadhrat Sa’adullah (May Allah shower His mercy on him), but because he did not know who he was, he could not give his Bait to him. He once saw him in Makkah Masjid and looking at his features understood that this was his master and then and there offered him his pledge (bait), which Hadhrat accepted and took him as a disciple.
After completion of both the Shariah and the Tareeqa sciences, Hadhrat started addressing people. His address would affect everybody hearts and nobody would be hurt through them. After the Friday Salaat in the Jame Masjid of Naldurug, there would be an address of Hadhrat for 2 to 3 hours where he would explain the Tafseer of the Holy Quran. Apart from this on special occasions, he would again address people. These addresses would not be mere words (Qal), but the spirit of the words (Haal) would also be included in them. Accordingly many people would be overwhelmed by his address. If all these addresses are collected, they would make a Tafseer of the Holy Quran like Tafseer Surah Yousuf.
There would be Hadhrat’s addresses in Bombay (present Mumbai) also, which was full of his disciples and lovers. There the address used to be in an open ground, which would be full of people. In spite of multitude of people, it was a miracle of Hadhrat that everybody would hear his voice. This was before modern facilities like microphone, etc.
Hadhrat would offer all the 5 Salaat with congregation (Jamaat). This was stressed so much that it was second nature to Hadhrat. Nothing, be it weather or ill health, would make him even waver from this habit. The Mustahab (commendable) time was maintained in such a way that the Salaat of Isha would be offered at 10:30. This arrangement in winter and rainy season was nothing short of a miracle. This was a living picture of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) led the Salaat and told the Sahibah: You are the best Ummah, as you are the only creation on the face of the earth who worship Allah Ta’ala in the Mustahab hours.”
Hadhrat would offer the articles of Salaat with proper calmness. Hadhrat would enthusiastically offer numerous nawafil. For this reason, his feet would usually remain swollen.
For a long period of time, he led the Salaat (Imam) in Masjid ‘Ali A’aqa Hussaini A’alam only for the sake of Allah Ta’ala. As per the Sunnah, in Fajr and Isha, he would recite the lengthy Surah of the Holy Quran (Tawaal-e-Mufassal) and in Zuhr, moderately lengthy Surah and in ‘Asr and Maghrib, the short Surah. Each Salaat would be blissful and rejuvenating. This can be understood only by those who offered Salaat in his leadership.
This enthusiasm would reach its pinnacle in the month of Ramadhan. The weather would never interfere in Hadhrat’s fasting. The relish of listening to the Holy Quran was such that even in old age he would listen to the complete Holy Quran at least once or twice and he would instruct his Murideen (disciples) also to listen the complete Holy Quran at least once during Ramadhan.
Every aspect of Hadhrat’s life was molded by the rules of the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Each year, he would remain in Itikaaf (seclusion) for the last 10 days of Ramadhan. In those days, he would offer Tahajjud Salaat with Jamaat, in which at least 1 complete recitation of the Holy Quran would be recited. In these days, angelic qualities of Hadhrat would be unveiled. Once while ill, he was offering Salaat normally. He was requested to sit and offer Salaat. Hadhrat smiled and recited a Persian couplet, which meant:
Even though I have become old, weak-hearted and weak-bodied,
Whenever I hear the mention of my Beloved, I become fresh again.
The night preceding Eid-Ul-Fitr is one of the most auspicious nights of the whole year. Hadhrat would spend the whole night in the masjid, busy in worship. He would return to his house after offering the Fajr Salaat. Hadhrat would offer the Eid Salaat in Eidgah in the first row. It would be the same case with Juma’a Salaat. Hadhrat would be busy in recitation of the Holy Quran, Dhikr and other Awraad and he would go to Makkah Masjid at the earliest and offer Salaat behind the Imam in the first row.
Hadhrat (May Allah shower His mercy on him) went on Haj with his revered father. In that age, those blessed lands were under the rule of the Turks. The present facilities of transport were not present there. Caravans were looted on their way. There would be much financial and loss of life. In short, Haj in those days was fraught with dangers. In spite of all this, Hadhrat had the honor of performing Haj along with this father.
Hadhrat once told his disciple who was going on Haj: When I went on Haj, with the intention of performing the Sunnah, I specially went to Gar-e-Saur, (the Cave of Saur). The entrance of that cave is so narrow that the body of the person entering the cave anyhow touches the rim of the cave. I got this thought that though the blessed body of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has made contact with this blessed land, except the entrance of this cave, any other place could not be marked out with certainty. It is truth that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) entered this cave and it is also truth that the fire of Hell is forbidden for that body which makes contact with His blessed body. With this thought, I removed my kurta (tunic) and with my upper body bare, entered the cave taking care to rub my body with the rim of the entrance of the cave and prayed: O Lord Almighty! This humble person has, though indirectly, had the honor of rubbing his body with the body of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). For the sake of this, make the fire of hell forbidden for me.
In the stay in Madina Munawwarah, when Hadhrat would go to the Blessed Raudha of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and perform Muraqaba, an entirely different state would overwhelm him. Only those people can understand this who were with him, as mentioned above.
Hadhrat has been given the authorization in both the Qadri and Naqshbandi Tariqah from Hadhrat Syed Badshah Bukhari (May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy on him). Like his other elite Shaykhs, Hadhrat would take special interest in the propagation of the Naqshbandi Tariqa. The other Shaykhs of the Naqshabandi Tariqa followed the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) to the letter. This is dominant in the life of Hadhrat Muhaddith-E-Deccan (May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy on him) also. There are many incidents, which show that Hadhrat would follow even the smallest of Sunnah. For the sake of brevity, only some are being mentioned here. It seems that nature itself would make arrangements for Hadhrat to follow the Sunnah easily.
Hadhrat relates an incident from his childhood that once he went to some place of play, but did not find any pleasure in it. As soon as he joined that session, sleep overtook him and he fell asleep. In this way, Allah Ta’ala made me follow that Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) in which before declaration of Prophethood, He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) fell asleep when He attended such a session.
Once, Hadhrat came to the prayer mat for Salaat Ul Isha. Below the prayer mat, there was a scorpion, which stung him. Hadhrat became restless and lied down for some time and said: Alhamdulillah! I got a rare chance to follow a Sunnah and related the Hadith that once a scorpion stung the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) also at the time of Salaat. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: This rogue neither leaves a person who offers Salaat nor a person who does not offer it. After this Hadhrat offered Salaat as was the custom.
Hadhrat would offer Salaat Ul Kusuf with Jama’at. He would perform Qiraat Bil Jahr (Loud Qiraat). People would come from far off places to join this Salaat. After the Salaat, Hadhrat would advise the people like this: Friends! The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would briefly advise the people after Salaat Kusuf. Today, to follow this, I want to address you all.
Nature had filled Hadhrat with humility and piety. Day in and day out these qualities would be expressed through him. For the sake of brevity, only one incident is being mentioned here. Once after Salaat Kusuf, in the course of the Dua, Hadhrat said in a very heartfelt manner: O Allah! These worshippers of yours have made me their Pir that tomorrow, on the day of Qiyamah, you forgive this sinner with your mercy, they can say that when you have forgiven such a great sinner, then please forgive us also. For this, my Master, my Lord, for the sake of your forgiveness and for the sake of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), forgive us all.
Once in summer, Taraweeh was being offered in the courtyard of the Masjid that it suddenly started raining. The prayer mats were removed. After the rain ended, it was decided to offer Salaat again in the courtyard of the Masjid. For the fear of the rain, the prayer mats were not laid. Somebody decided to lay a prayer mat for Hadhrat, he said: Those who came from outside Madina, would have to ask because of the uniformity of the gathering that who among you is the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), so we should also not distinguish ourselves.
He would always perform at the tank Wudhu facing the Qiblah, although looking at the location of the tank, it was difficult to do so. Even then, to follow the Sunnah, Hadhrat would always perform Wudhu from that side only. Thus, if we study the life of Hadhrat closely, we come to the conclusion that each and every action of his indicates some Sunnah or the other.
Hadhrat would perform the non-compulsory (Gair Moukkada) Sunnah also regularly. The 4 Raka’at before the Fardh of ‘Asr and Isha were also routine for him. These Sunnah are still greater, even a Mustahab would not be left by him.
The greatest miracle of our master is perfectly acting upon the Shariah and the Sunnah, which has been mentioned in their proper places. This is also a miracle of his that whoever becomes his disciple is established upon the Sirat Mustaqeem (straight path). We see this day and day out that people who had nothing to do with Salaat, fasts, as soon as they became his disciples not only became regular in their Salaat, fasts, etc. but even in their looks, dressing, etc., they became pious and regular in Dhikr and other spiritual practices. It is the experience of most of his slaves that as soon they enter his presence, the heart starts Dhikr and an affinity towards good deeds is developed. I have seen many of my brothers, who recited Kalima Tayyaba at the time of their death, which is a clear sign of their preserving their faith at the time of death. It was the custom of Hadhrat that whenever he heard that a disciple was in the throes of death, he would persuade them to recite the Kalima and after death, he himself would lead the Salaat Ul Janazah. After this, he would pray for them in the following words:
Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa’afuanhu wa adkhilhul Jannah,
For women, the prayer would be:
Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa’afuanha wa adkhilhal Jannah
This Dua would be so heartrending that the hearts of those present would also be affected and death would appear before their eyes. The Talqeen (persuasion) after burial would also be such that all those present would be affected and some would be really affected. It would seem as if the angel (Munkir and Nakir) are asking the questions and Hadhrat is teaching the answers. Those people are lucky who had this honor. Whenever we see this, then our heartfelt wish is that, if only, Allah Ta’ala also grants this honor to us also.
Apart from this also, innumerable miracles of Hadhrat are seen and heard daily, but he elders of the Naqshbandi order of Tasawwuf have said that Kashf (divine visions), Karamaat (miracles) are commendable, but are not the aim, that is why no need was felt to include them in the biography of his blessed life. However, on the insistence of the brothers of the Tariqa, some are being mentioned.
One of his disciples says that he was with Hadhrat when he had travelled to the Northern parts of the country. He says that: After reaching Delhi, we first paid our respects to Hadhrat Khwaja Baqibillah (May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy on him) and it was decided that the next day, we would offer the Fajr prayer in the Jame’ Masjid Delhi and would visit the shrines of Hadhrat Mirza Mazhar Jane Janaan Shaheed and Hadhrat Ghulam Ali Shah Naqshbandi (May Allah Ta’ala shower His mercy on them). There was a Masjid adjacent to our residence was a Masjid, in which we would offer Salaat. We learnt from the Imam of the Masjid that the Dargah always remains closed and the visitors recite the Fatiha from outside and go away. After this, I could not bear it and I told Hadhrat about it. He said: We will see about this in the morning.
The next day, when we went there, we met a person, who went with us to the Dargah and opened the lock for us. When that person wanted to leave, as is the custom of Delhi, we tried to pay him something. He said: I have done what I was ordered to do, and he went away.
The Imam on listening to this, said: Many great people have come here and gone away without the Ziyarah, I would say that this is a miracle of your Shaykh.
When Nawab Yusuf Yar Jung was going the blessed lands, Makkah and Madina, he came to meet Hadhrat and after talking with Hadhrat for a long time, said: Your servant is going away, but as usual on the Day of Eid Ul Azha, the car will come for Hadhrat and Hadhrat can go to the Eidgah in this. Upon this Hadhrat said: By that time, you will be deceased and forgiven. After this, Nawab sahib started on his journey. In the course of his journey, he reached Baghdad and while reciting the Fatiha there, he passed away due to a heart attack and was buried near Hadhrat Pirane Pir Ghouse Ul A’adham Dastagir (May Allah Ta’ala be well pleased with him). The order of fate for Nawab sahib was given from the blessed tongue of Hadhrat.
One disciple of Hadhrat says that due to the attention of a mystic (Majzub), he became unable to do Dhikr. He was very regretful of his state and thought that he would not be able to do worship of Allah Ta’ala (Riyazat/Mujahada). He thought gaining the Haal (Lit. state) is difficult, gain some Qaal (Lit. words/talk). In this worry, he went to sleep. In his dream, he saw Hadhrat. He first wiped his chest with his right hand, then wrote ‘Allah" on his heart with his right index finger. With this, his whole body started resonating with the “Allah." Hadhrat sad: Son! Now tell, is Haal better or Qaal. After this, the disciple was at ease and never got such a thought again.
Hadhrat was so forgiving that he would never get angry for his own sake, but when some rule of Shariah would be broken or somebody would disrespect the Auliya, his blessed face would turn red with anger. Once after Salaat Ul Zuhr, a degenerate started speaking ill about the Auliya. Even after a lot of explanation, when that person did not stop, Hadhrat could not bear it and, out of emotion, started crying. Hadhrat said: Allah Ta’ala is very lenient, He can bear everything for Himself, but if anybody disrespects the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and/or the Auliya, The Lord Almighty does not bear it.
Whenever anyone would complain about Hadhrat, he would say: I am even worse than that. No matter how insulting an act would be committed, Hadhrat would bear it. His blessed face would change, but he would not say anything. Once, when in Naldurug, Hadhrat was going for the Salaat Ul Zuhr, that a person, who was known to mentally unstable, came to Hadhrat, kissed his hand and tried to attack him, but there was no change in Hadhrat’s blessed countenance. He entered the Masjid and started preparing for Salaat. The followers of Hadhrat beat him and wanted to hand him over to the police, but Hadhrat said: How can he dare to insult me. Probably, some disrespect was committed by this sinner (i.e. Hadhrat) in the court of my Lord that is why, I was warned like this. If you desire to please me, then please don’t mistreat him in anyway.
Hadhrat would treat everyone with affection and this affection would be such that everyone would think that Hadhrat loves me the most.
His sympathy for human beings was such that Hadhrat could not bear to see anyone in any difficulty and would start crying. Hadhrat would console that person and help him as much as he could. His daily life shows that he spent his whole life for the service of the creation
Every person would acknowledge his courage. He would always try to keep his dependants happy. Hadhrat’s every act is full of wisdom and with a reason and his every word is full of affection. Anger has not been given to him at all. In short, he is the living embodiment of “Takhalluqu Bi Akhlaqillah”
The daily routine of Hadhrat was very taxing. After Fajr, his disciples were given Tawajjuh (attention). After this, without any distinction of religion or community, men, women, children, youth would come with their concerns. Hadhrat would listen to everybody, console them and give them Wazifa (something to be recited) or Taweez (amulet) as the case may be. This would go on until 9 o’clock. Then Salaat Ul Ishraaq would be offered and Hadhrat go home. He would not even have his breakfast properly that women would start coming. Some would come for Ba’yah (pledge of discipleship) and others would come with their concerns. This would go on until 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Then Hadhrat would come to the Masjid. After Salaat Ul Zuhr, Hadhrat would listen to the disciples about their Sulook and guide them as necessary.
After it, if there was still time, Hadhrat would listen to the sermons of Hadhrat Ghouse Ul A’adham or the Maktubat (letters) of Hadhrat Imam Rabbani (May Allah Ta’ala be well pleased with them). After offering Salaat Ul ‘Asr, Hadhrat would remain in Muraqaba until Maghrib. After Maghrib, Hadhrat would go to the house, have dinner and dictate replies to the letters of disciples. Hadhrat would take his devotees, who could not come to him, into his discipleship, through letters itself and instruct them in Dhikr and other spiritual practices. Then Hadhrat would go to the Masjid for Salaat Ul Isha and return around 12. Then he would rest for 3 hours and again get up at 3 o’clock for Tahajjud and remain busy in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala until Fajr and just before Fajr, to follow the Sunnah, Hadhrat would rest for a while and then the routine would start again.
The set time for women to give the Ba’yah was from 11-2 for women and for men from Zuhr to ‘Asr, but whenever anyone would come, Hadhrat would take their Ba’yah. There were no customs or rituals for this. Then for granting the Nisbah, Hadhrat would instruct in the following manner:
Hadhrat would make the disciple recite: Astaghfirullah Rabee Min Kulli Dhambin Wa Atubu Ilaih. La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah and then He would say: I have given you in slavery of Syedi Abdul Qadir Jilani and Hadhrat Syedi Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband (May Allah Ta’ala be well pleased with them). On this the disciple would say: I accept it. Then Hadhrat would say: I have made you a disciple in the Qadiri and Naqshbandiya Tariqah.
The first advice is, offer the 5 Salaat regularly. If it was a man Hadhrat would add, try to offer each Salaat in the Masjid, with Jama’at.
Salaat, Quran, etc. is recited with the tongue, but for Dhikr, recite Allah, Allah from the heart. The heart is 2 fingerbreadths, below the left nipple, to the left. For this, Wudhu is not necessary. It can be done with Wudhu, without Wudhu, in a state of Taharah, out of it, while walking, sitting, lying down, sitting, in every condition. If due to lack of habit, you forget it, no problem, when you are reminded it, start doing it.
Apart from this, whatever free time you get, sit in seclusion, close your eyes, perform the Dhikr of ”Allah-Hoo-Allah" 2000 times and along with this think of me, that the blessings (Faiz in Urdu) is coming out of my heart (i.e. Hadhrat’s heart) and coming into your heart. No need to say this with your tongue, this is also from the heart. This is the first lesson, it is called Latifa Qalb.
Recite Durud 200 times daily. You can recite any Durud you remember, but this Durud is better:
Allahumma Salle ‘Ala Sayyidina Wa Maulana Muhammadin Wa ‘Ala Aalihi Wa Sahbihi Afdhala Salawatika Wa ‘Adada Ma’aloomatika Wa Barik Wa Sallim.
In this way, first the disciple is made to traverse the Naqshbandi Sulook.
Hadhrat was a very great personality, a great scholar and a great saint. In spite of all this, he spent his whole life in the service of the creation. His whole life is a model of the commandments of Allah Ta’ala and His Beloved Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).
He passed away on Thursday, 18th Rabee’ Thaani, 1384 Hijri, 1964 AD at 8 AM.